Why Do Yorkies Cry So Much

Dogs whine to communicate with us. It’s a medium of exppresisng how they feel. The longer they do this, the more things/feelings they want to share.

Why do Yorkies Cry so much?

Yorkies cry so much to show sepration anxiety, or emotional distress when their owner leaves them alone or when they are confined in a place (like a crate) and wants to be free.

It could also mean he is hurt, in pains, and can become aggressive if not taken seriously.

ALSO SEE: Why is my Yorkie barking at Night?

Why Do Yorkie Puppies Cry so Much?

Little Yorkies are popular for whining. Your puppy cries so much because they’re bored or trying to tell you something.

Ensure there are lots of toys in his pen he could play with.

If you decide to ignore them, he will learn that he gets no attention when he whines. And they don’t like that.

Why Do Yorkies Whine So Much?

Whinning is general behaviour for pupies as this is one of thier fastest ways of communicating, and it is the counterpart of crying babies to get their mothers’ attention for food.

Here are the causes of whining in Dogs:

  • To Asking For Something
  • Expressing Pain Or Discomfort
  • Indicating Stress
  • Seeking Attention
  • Communication Excitement

Yorkies, like other dogs, may cry for various reasons. It’s essential to understand the potential causes to address their needs effectively. Here are some common reasons why Yorkies may cry:

  1. Attention-Seeking: Yorkies are social dogs that crave attention and interaction with their owners. If they feel neglected or want your attention, they may cry to get your focus and engage with them.

Solution: Ensure your Yorkie receives regular exercise, mental stimulation, and quality time with you. Provide them with attention and positive reinforcement when they display calm and desirable behaviors. Avoid reinforcing crying by not giving in to their demands, as this may encourage the behavior.

  1. Separation Anxiety: Yorkies can be prone to separation anxiety, which is distress or anxiety when left alone. They may cry excessively when you’re away from home or even when separated from you within the house.

Solution: Gradually acclimate your Yorkie to being alone by practicing short periods of separation and gradually increasing the duration over time. Create a comfortable and secure space for them, provide engaging toys or puzzles, and consider using calming techniques like leaving a piece of your clothing with your scent. In severe cases, consult with a veterinarian or a professional dog trainer for additional guidance.

  1. Physical Discomfort or Pain: Yorkies may cry if they are experiencing physical discomfort or pain. This can be due to injuries, illnesses, dental problems, or underlying medical conditions.

Solution: If you suspect your Yorkie’s crying is related to pain or discomfort, it’s important to consult with a veterinarian. They can conduct a thorough examination, diagnose any health issues, and recommend appropriate treatment options to alleviate your Yorkie’s pain.

  1. Fear or Anxiety: Yorkies may cry if they feel afraid or anxious in certain situations. Common triggers can include loud noises, unfamiliar environments, or encounters with unfamiliar people or animals.

Solution: Identify the specific triggers causing fear or anxiety and gradually expose your Yorkie to them in a controlled and positive manner. Use positive reinforcement techniques to reward calm behavior and consider desensitization and counter-conditioning methods. If the fear or anxiety persists, consult with a professional dog trainer or a veterinarian specializing in behavior for further assistance.

  1. Environmental Factors: Yorkies may cry if they are uncomfortable due to environmental factors such as extreme temperatures, loud noises, or unfamiliar surroundings.

Solution: Ensure your Yorkie’s environment is comfortable and safe. Provide appropriate temperature regulation, minimize exposure to loud noises, and create a secure and familiar space where they can retreat if they feel overwhelmed.

How To Stop Whining on Dogs

Here are ways to figure out the cause and learn the reason before you address it.

Pay attention to the sound.

All whining is not the same. The one for boredom will have a different tone and pitch from the one for pain.

Use A Different Approach

As you handle your Yorkie, do so carefully if you notice the whine is different from the regular one. It means that they are in distress or pain.

Find The Source Of Whining

Like humans, digs, too, can experience phobias and fear. Once you know that fear, train it out of him.

Give Them What They Want

Give your Yorkie what they want under special conditions. For instance, if they want to go out for a potty break, put them on a leash, and go outside. It is one way to handle this scenario rather than reinforcing indoor elimination.

Improve Their Environment

Ensure there are enough toys in their pen. These will serve as tools of entertainment.


Basic exercise and training eliminate excessive whining. Exercise patience with consistency no matter what you do. You might not be able to eliminate the whining, but at least you can minimize it on a tolerable level.

Remember, every Yorkie is unique, and the reasons for their crying may vary. By observing their behavior, identifying triggers, and providing appropriate attention, training, and care, you can help address their needs and reduce excessive crying. If you have concerns about your Yorkie’s crying or if it persists despite your efforts, consulting with a veterinarian is recommended to rule out any underlying health issues and receive professional guidance.

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